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Trucchi per Mouse Commander 2004

1^ Trick: Via point definitions

To navigate in the start menu you haven't to click, but only move and stop the pointer on some points. Mouse Commander 2004 captures only events generated on click. The trick is to click on the via points. If left click is bad, use right or middle click.









2^ Trick : Mouse Commander 2004 can write!
All windows OS have easy access in accessories folder (if there isn't, you must install from windows CD-ROM). Here you can find "keybord on screen". Moving the pointer on this virtual keyboard allow Mouse Commander to write! This should be useful if you have to write automatically short text.


3^ Trick: Maximized windows
Mouse Commander 2004 works well if background doesn't muttate. Using maximized windows is better than non maximized ones. Doing so you have the sureness that background scenery don't change.

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