#Software Rule
SR Net   Volley Manager






(sigla di apertura)

Look right down any crowded hall
You'll see there's a beauty standing
Is she really everywhere
Or a reflection?
One always calls out to you
The other's shy and quiet
Could there be two different girls
Who look the same at
Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High
Meet you at Sweet Valley High,
Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High,
Meet you at Sweet Valley High


(sigla di chiusura)

You can never really tell
Which one you're standing next to
One thing is for sure
You can be sure of nothing
Lots of gossip going 'round
About oh this one, that one
Not too many secrets kept
In the world of
Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High,
Meet you at Sweet Valley High,
Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High,
Meet you at Sweet Valley High




(sigla di apertura e chiusura)

Guarda laggiù tra la folla
è lei quella più bella
dappertutto o forse non
è un riflesso?
Prima si fa notare
poi di colpo diventa timida
Ma è possibile che sian due
uguali uguali identiche
Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High
Meet you at Sweet Valley High,
Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High,
Meet you at Sweet Valley High






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